Pizza Express in 5 .Pizza Express in 5 minutes - Who doesn't love pizza? Hard to find
anyone who is not a fan! What if she stops
EXPRESS? Ready in 5 minutes? There is no one there! Espresso pizza, crazy! New craze
here at home! Joy of the weekend, joy of
Monday, Tuesday, now it is the joy of
everyday life, with this super easy, super fast and super approved Nigella recipe. it is an unpretentious pizza… without plaster
without yeast and very tasty. No work, no mess! Mix the ingredients with the help of a
fork or fouet and you're done! It is not necessary to knead, stretch the dough or let
it sit for hours to rise. Just mix, toss and bake.
How simple!.
1 egg
125 ml of whole milk
1 salt sheet
50 grams of wheat flour
30 grams of grated parmesan cheese
SAUCE 1/3 of a can of peeled Italian tomatoes
1 clove of raw garlic
1 salt sheet
1 tablespoon of black pepper oil to taste
PASTA: In a bowl, add the milk, egg, cheese, salt and cheese and stir with the help of a
fouet or fork. Then add the wheat flour and stir, mixing the ingredients. You will notice
that the dough is very liquid, so butter it with butter and all-purpose flour, a round
shape between 28 and 30 cm. Pour the dough and bake in a preheated oven at 200
degrees for 20 minutes. It may be that the dough makes some big bubbles, no
problem, it's because of the cheese, then they go down. Remove from oven and fill to
taste. SAUCE: The canned Italian peeled tomato is perfect for pizza sauce, it is
chosen because it does not contain the acidity of the tomatoes. Here's how to do it. Try it, use it this way, to assemble your pizza, you will be amazed.
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